Friday, September 20, 2013

Chocolate cake

    I have had some people that has ate this cake told me to put it on here for every one to try. Its a chocolate zucchini cake with chocolate icing. Before you say I dont like zucchini, or that sounds bad let me tell you that you cannot taste it and nobody even knows unless you tell them. The zucchini just makes it so moist and yummy that you dont want to go back to a regular cake. Now the zucchini is out of our garden and the eggs from our chickens, I have not made it with store bought, but I am sure it would taste the same.
    Now I do not know who to give credit to this recipe and you might find it online also, but this is from recipes past down through my grandmother's and I cherish them all.
    For the cake it is
    2 cups of all purpose flower
    2 cups of sugar
    3/4 cups of cocoa powder
    2 tsp of banking soda
    1 tsp of baking powder
    1/2 tsp of salt
    1 1/2 tsp of cinnamon
    1 1/2 cups of vegetable oil
    3 eggs
    3 cups of grated zucchini with out the seeds
    Now I dont like nuts in my cake but you can add some, but I do like to sprinkle some chocolate chips on the top before I put it in the oven.
    Stir flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon together in a bowl. Then add egg, oil, and mix well. Then fold in the grated zucchini to the mix. Pour the mix into a Pam sprayed cake pan and then add nuts or chips if desired. Cook at 350 degrees for 45 to 55 minutes or until a knlfe poke comes out clean.
     If you choose you can put this in a bundt pan if you don't want the icing and when its cooled and flipped over just sprinkle powder sugar on it.

     Now for the icing this recipe is close but it depends if you want thick frosting or what I prefer is not to thick, you know how grandma's are, a little pinch of this and that.
     the Icing is on a recipe by its self but it works so good on all cakes, you can can pour it on a hot cake and it will soak down through the cake, you can add more powdered sugar and make it into a think frosting for a birthday cake or however you like it.

     In a bowl add
     2 cups of powdered sugar
     1/2 cup of milk
     1 tsp of vanilla
     Then mix
     Melt 1/2 stick of butter in a saucepan then wisk in 5 table spoons of cocoa
     Then pour that into the sugar, milk, and vanilla while mixing
It will thickin up but I most usually sift in some more powdered sugar until I get the icing thickness I want.
      I hope you enjoy this as much as we do. God, family, country, may God bless us

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Forecast for the Ozarks

     I have previously wrote on this blog a story called Our local fruit. Its about Persimmons and it has recipes for some great home cooked bread and pudding made out of persimmons. What this story is about, is the winter forecast that the seed inside the persimmon brings. As the ripe persimmons fall off our trees I have to hurry to pick them up before our goats and chickens get to them because they love them. The other day I was pickin the persimmons and putting them in a bucket and as I turned around Abby one of our goats was eating them out of my bucket,  I guess she thought I was pickin them for her.
      I took some of the persimmon seed and washed them and very carefully split them open to look what the inside of the seed revealed. Well, it is a spoon and they all where the same. So what that means that we better get out the snow shovels and get ready for a snow covered Ozarks. Service the 4x4 and check the tires, cover up alot of wood for the fireplace, get plenty of seed for the birds, make sure that generator starts, and hopefully you canned plenty of food from the garden. I also noticed that the trees are in abundance of persimmons and acorns, the squirrels was getting the walnuts before they could even fall of the tree, so I do know thats Gods way of feeding his animals.
      So I guess we will see what the winter brings, but for this hillbilly I will enjoy the snow and hopefully a white Christmas. We have been looking at the persimmon seed every since I was a young boy and its not been wrong yet.
God, Family, Country, May God Bless Us

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


      I have been trying to put to paper the feeling that I felt in the a.m. of the attack on the u.s.a. soil on the day of Tuesday September 11,2001. There are a few great songs out there that explains it very good and what a blessing the way they put their words to music. There has been a lot of great stories since then, some of blessings, and a lot of tragedy. My heart and prayers are still with the one's who lost a loved one to this day that the enemy came to kill, steal, and destroy. 
      So I will try to share in my words of that day. On 9.10.01 I had worked all day and was able to keep on working until 4 am. in the morning of 9.11.01. Well I got that dreadful phone call early to turn on the , as I watched in disbelieve the second plane hit, and then others. I had already been praying and my prayers grew even more, with tears rolling down my face and my heart very heavy I went to the school and got my 3 young daughters and thanked the Lord for our safety.
      For several days I was stuck in front of the tv just hoping and praying for survivors as a cold dark feeling just covered me trying to think of why someone would do such a terrible thing by killing innocent people. It's almost like the feeling of being robbed, or as a young one losing their pet and not understanding why. On what I remember the following Sunday we got word at Church that the U.S, had declared war. Praying for our soldiers safety we knew that something had to be done. But then I realized that the devil comes only to kill, steal, and destroy. So my prayers got stronger, and longer for our protection. Then I got mad at him for the damage he had done and I am still not over it. Because we have have someone who is much bigger and more powerful than the enemy. So please keep praying for safety and the blessings as we once again are going into battle. The battle might be against another country, sickness or disease, or for the return of a loved one. We need to stay suited in the armor of God. Ephesians 6: 13-18 therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, in addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one, take the helmet of salvation and the word of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. with this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all of the Lord's people.
     God, family, country,  may God bless us.