Friday, July 19, 2013

Cures and remedies of the Ozarks

As I was reading thru a old book,  I came across some old cures and remedies from the  Ozarks so I figured i would share some of them with you, but I dont know if any of these work or if they are even safe to try. So please dont try these.
     Various mountain medical methods was used down through the years because they didn't have the moden medicine that we have now.

    Diptheria,, a glass of soured milk with a pinch of gunpowder.

    Colic,, breast milk In a cup and then with a reed pipestem blow tobacco smoke through it into the milk so it bubbled up though the milk.

     Worms,,, turpentine was given for worm medicine and still used today by some, but it can have a affect on the liver.

      Poisoning, , they say that if you eat fried fish with sweet milk it can poison you,
Hemp tea was the only thing that would cure it.

     Cuts and Sores,, molasses mixed with chimney soot or spider webs is good for open cuts and sores, and to stop bleeding.  If you get poked by a rusty nail, tie a old corroded peny to it, the green on the penny will draw out the poison stopping tetanus.

      Hives,, they say to put 9 buckshot in a glass of water (no more and no less) then drink a teaspoon every 2 hours. Or you could rub maple leafs on the rash.

      Colds,, use skunk oil for colds

      Fever,, mix 1/3 tsp. Of turpentine,  1/3 tsp. Of sugar, 1/3 tsp. Of castor oil then combine.

      Tonsilitis,, tie a cooked onion around your neck

       Croop,, take the grease out of skunk oil and mix with kerosene and then rub it on your neck at bedtime.

       Prolonged life,, ginseng or sang root, some people still use this but it is expensive.

I know there are a lot of these out there but I thought I would share a few of them,  I hope you enjoyed it.
God, family,  country, may God bless us

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