Friday, July 26, 2013

So tell me that agin

As we all go through life we come across some mighty big bumps and hills that is in our way to get to where we are going. It seems to take awhile to get there sometimes,  maybe we are walking awhile and get tired and rest or even turn back. I hear stories of how God delivered someone from a certain problem that they are going through and they are so thankful.  God is able and can do that supernatural and what a blessing,  but sometimes when you really talk to them and hear it agin, they left out that it took time, and they gave up several times, but by Gods grace, they kept on and got delivered from that problem and got over the hill. So just keep trusting the Lord and his timing is always perfect and on time. So when we reach that wonderful blessing,  we must share how God was  carrying us through it all the time and what we learned and how it made us better. God, family,  country,  may God bless us

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