Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Yard sale's

My grandmother and grandfather loved to go to yard sale's.  I remember growing up we would leave out going to yard sales with a truck and trailer and fill them up. Grandma couldn't wait to get the newspapers to see where all the sales was at for the weekend. Well this last weekend we had a yardsale at her house following her passing of going to Heaven to see grandpa and other loved one's.  It was hard going thru all the belongings,  it brings alots of memories and all of them are good one's. As people came in and gathered stuff, I know my grandparents  would not of had it any other way. Things went to locals,  friend's, family's and just people passing thru.  Their little treasures was passed to family's that would hang  in the local house hold, to a summer cabin at the lake that fills memories when visiting,  or to a home several miles away. With that said, it will carry on more memories with the children,  grandchildren,  and friend's.  I am so thankful that someday another grandchild will say "I want that please I am going to pass it on some day to my children". So please just remember if you have a box full of whatnots, clothes,  bed, tool, or whatever the case might be. Have a yardsale and sell it cheap or donate it to a good organization that will give it away to people in need. You will be a blessing to a family or some child that will pass it on.

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